Somatic Sessions
In somatic sessions, we support the completion of threat response cycles using Somatic Experiencing®, Somatic Stress Release®, bodywork techniques, and developmental movement. With these tools, we support the body in completing activation responses that might have been thwarted to promote restoration and vitality. For instance, we can use Somatic Experiencing® to support the integration of concussions, falls, motor vehicle accidents, medical trauma, and sexual trauma.
Somatic sessions can also include Transforming Touch® and primitive reflex integration. Transforming Touch® is a protocol-based modality that supports nervous system regulation by repairing early ruptures through building somatic trust and developing a relationship with a secure base. The intention is to expand the window of capacity (often referred to as window of tolerance), to have a greater felt sense of choice, agency, and joy.
Primitive reflexes are automatic movements that develop in utero and during infancy. They lay the foundations for our ability to feel safe and connect with the world. Retained primitive reflexes can have an impact on our motor skills, postural control, sensory integration, visual development, and social abilities. Primitive reflex integration supports us in repairing those early developmental platforms, which then allows us to develop a greater sense of safety, a greater sense of Self, and more independence in the world.
I offer one-on-one sessions. My containers include weekly or biweekly sessions, email support, and additional resources. Please note that I currently only practice remotely via Zoom.
My approach is attachment-based, trauma-informed, and strength-based.